My True Color 📙📘📗📒
What do you think is your true color? This is the title of our first session on our journey. That was not my first time to hear about that test. I conducted that test about two years ago and I was sure that my color was blue. I got surprised when I conducted the same test this time with a different result. This time I become gold. I was thinking about how the color could change. I believe that I grow up with every single minute I spent in teaching. I think that a good teacher must be a combination of all the four colors. When Gavin started to tell us about each color and its meanings, I figured out that I am a teacher how I can combine different qualities to match my students who have much diversity in their learning styles and how should I match all these styles with different teaching styles. In my opinion, as a teacher, I should meet most of the students’ needs that grantee success in different occasions of teaching. Mixing the colors is important. I believe I could do much more when I know what are the true colors of my students regarding their learning abilities. I wish I could do this in my classes. This class helped me for a better understanding of my students.
Could you expand on the idea of "mixing the colors"? What do you mean by that? How do you think that would work?